Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NgeometryBasic geometry types. Types for dimensions, displacements, etc. and the operations that they support
 CAbnormalExitIndicates Mir should exit with an error message printed to stderr
 CExitWithOutputIndicates Mir should exit with the given output (such as help text) printed to stdout
 CProofOfMutexLockA method can take an instance of this class by reference to require callers to hold a mutex lock, without requiring a specific type of lock
 CSynchronisedAn object that enforces unique access to the data it contains
 NmiralMir Abstraction Layer
 CAddInitCallbackAdd a callback to be invoked when the server has been initialized, but before it starts. If multiple callbacks are added they will be invoked in the sequence added
 CCanonicalWindowManagerPolicyWidely accepted defaults for window management
 CConfigurationOptionAdd a user configuration option to Mir's option handling. By default the callback will be invoked following Mir initialisation but prior to the server starting. The value supplied to the callback will come from the command line, environment variable, config file or the default
 CCursorThemeLoad an X-cursor theme, either the supplied default, or through the –cursor-theme config option
 CDisplayConfigurationEnable display configuration. The config file (miral::MirRunner::display_config_file()) is located via the XDG Base Directory Specification. Vis: ($XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config followed by $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS)
 CFdHandleA handle which keeps a file descriptor registered to the main loop until it is dropped
 CKeymapLoad a keymap
 CMinimalWindowManagerMinimal implementation of a floating window management policy
 CMirRunnerRunner for applying initialization options to Mir
 CSetCommandLineHandlerSet a handler for any command line options Mir/MirAL does not recognise. This will be invoked if any unrecognised options are found during initialisation. Any unrecognised arguments are passed to this function. The pointers remain valid for the duration of the call only. If set_command_line_handler is not called the default action is to exit by throwing mir::AbnormalExit (which will be handled by the exception handler prior to exiting run()
 CSetTerminatorSet handler for termination requests. terminator will be called following receipt of SIGTERM or SIGINT. The default terminator stop()s the server, replacements should probably do the same in addition to any additional shutdown logic
 CStartupInternalClientWrapper for running an internal Mir client at startup
 CWaylandExtensionsEnable configuration of the Wayland extensions enabled at runtime
 CWindowHandle class to manage a Mir surface. It may be null (e.g. default initialized)
 CWindowManagementPolicyThe interface through which the window management policy is determined
 CWindowManagerToolsWindow management functions for querying and updating MirAL's model
 CX11SupportAdd a user configuration option for X11 support
 CZoneA rectangular area of the display. Not tied to a specific output
 CPersistDisplayConfigRestores the saved display configuration and saves changes to the base configuration
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< ::mir::IntWrapper< Tag, ValueType > >
 CWaylandShmA single WaylandShm does not efficiently provision multiple buffers for multiple window sizes. Please use one WaylandShm per window (if windows may have distinct sizes)

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Generated on Tue 2 May 10:01:24 UTC 2023
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